Monday, January 25, 2010

Update on Haiti Peanut Butter Effort

As of January 25, Texans have donated $12,000 to the "Peanut Butter for Haiti" effort.

Following the devasting earthquake in Haiti, members of the country's peanut industry came together to raise money to help those in need. The money raised has been used to purchase peanut butter to ship to the Haitian earthquake victims. Peanut butter makes the perfect food item for donation, because it is high in protein, high in energy, does not require water, and is good for 18 months without the need of refrigeration.

Community and business members of Lamesa, Texas contributed $9,350 to the cause thanks to the fundraising efforts of Sharon Cox and Gloria Gonzales of The Fertilizer Place.

Over $84,000 in cash donations has been pledged for the purchase of peanut butter for Haitians. In addition, some peanut manufacturers have donated peanut butter, while others are selling their products at cost to "Peanut Butter for Haiti" to help with the effort. Overall, $254,000 worth of peanut butter has been shipped or is en route to Haiti.

To make a donation for the purchasing of peanut butter, please mail a check made out to “Early County 2055” to the Texas Peanut Producers Board at 4205 N. Interstate 27, Lubbock, Texas 79403. Please not “pnb for Haiti” on the check. Early County 2055 will send receipts to all donors, and all donations are tax-deductible.

Please re-visit this blog for more updates on how you can help with "Peanut Butter for Haiti".

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